
Demystifying Digital Media

With the massive growth of digital media and the emergence of new technologies, you may have noticed that the language used by the digital media industry has become increasingly complicated. With all the jargon and tech talk, it can seem like digital media is an arcane art, impossible to decipher without a PhD.

In reality, yes, the technology behind digital media is complicated, but it is anchored in solid marketing and consumer connection principles that anyone can understand.

The intense focus on digital technology has often resulted in the consumer being lost in the planning process. While it’s undeniable that the tech gives digital media an edge over other channels, our fascination with it shouldn’t overshadow an element that’s equally, if not more, important for effective media planning: the consumer connection.

The truth is that effective digital media isn’t just about the technology—it’s about understanding how consumers use that technology, why they use it, and in what state of mind.

So, if you’re a Marketing professional who has ever sat in a meeting with your digital agency or team, felt frustrated by all the jargon, sensed a lack of genuine consumer connection in proposed strategies, and felt unsure how to redirect, then this workshop is for you. 

In this one-day workshop, we will break it all down for you in a jargon-less & common-sense session, focusing on digital media through the lens of the consumer.

What we will cover

  • How Australians are using digital channels and the connection opportunity this presents
  • The key pillars of an effective strategy and what your digital teams should discuss with you before jumping into channel planning
  • A deep-dive into key channels; with consumer mindset & digital ad technology at the heart of our discussion:
    • Search: What is so special about it & how does the tech really work
    • Social Media: Going beyond the basics. We’ll look at how each social channel fits into consumers’ lives and how brands can leverage different platforms in unique ways for the best outcomes
    • Digital Video: Traditional family TV time is gone; Aussie families now sit in the same room, engrossed in personalised shows on their own devices. We look at the exponential growth of Digital Video & what it means for advertisers
    • Programmatic: What is it all about, how does it work and how it can be used to deliver on campaign objectives, be it brand or performance
    • Digital Audio: 16m Australians consume Digital Audio each week. We look at the key audience data and how to harness the power of sound through digital platforms
    • Retail Media: We delve into this latest craze. What does retail as an advertising channel look like & how can advertisers leverage the vast amount of consumer information retailers have amassed over time.
  • We will finish up with the all-important discussion about data and measurement. Google might not be killing the cookie anymore, but it’s still disappearing fast. We’ll look at how advertisers need to prepare to continue tracking and targeting effectively.

Join us at one of our monthly Zoom or in-person workshops by registering below. Each workshop will host a maximum of 6 Marketing Professionals so that we can have a tailored & fruitful session.

Full-Day | Workshop

Zoom | National | Last Tues of Each Month | Next Session Oct 22, 2024

In-Person | Sydney | Last Thurs of Each Month | Next Session Oct 24, 2024


  • 7.5 hours
  • 9.30am – 5.00pm


  • $1,250

Instructor: Mehrak Saheb

Founder & Digital Media Strategist, Prophesy Digital

Mehrak is a digital media veteran of 22 years who has managed the digital presence of some of Australia’s most respected brands. From the tech giants Telstra and Vodafone to influential entities such as the Australian Labour Party, Holden, World Vision, Foxtel, 20th Century Fox, Adobe, Sony Music & many more.

A digital media superfan with a firm belief that no other media channel can deliver marketing magic the way digital media can. Where else can you combine technology smarts with consumer behaviour to deliver a deep brand & audience connection?

With a Knack for breaking down the complex workings of digital media in simple terms, Mehrak is excited to ‘Demystify Digital Media’ in these series of Prophesy Workshops to help marketing professionals navigate the digital landscape with clarity and insight.